fpath=("$(dirname "$(readlink -f ~/.zshrc)")/zsh" $fpath); # completions autoload -Uz compinit compinit; # wow history stuff HISTFILE=~/.histfile; HISTSIZE=1000; SAVEHIST=1000; # what the fuck are any of these setopt extendedglob; setopt nomatch; setopt notify; # who the fuck would want either of these unsetopt autocd; unsetopt beep; # add vim keybinds bindkey -v; # add other keybinds bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char; # c++ compiler export CXX=clang++; # aliases for common utilities alias v=nvim; alias s=sudo; alias nf=neofetch; alias ssu="sudo su"; alias m="make"; alias gaa="git add -A"; alias gc="git commit -S -a"; alias gcm="git commit -S -a -m"; alias gs="git status"; alias cls="clear" alias ls="exa" # line autoload -U promptinit; promptinit; prompt miniline;