commit 0b1ada82106f44a906df3cfb3dd26c3657c1108f Author: XWasHere Date: Mon Oct 23 08:57:02 2023 -0400 init diff --git a/.zshrc b/.zshrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04f457d --- /dev/null +++ b/.zshrc @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# wow proper history stuff +HISTFILE=~/.histfile +HISTSIZE=1000 +SAVEHIST=1000 + +# what the fuck are any of these +setopt extendedglob +setopt nomatch +setopt notify + +# who the fuck would want either of these +unsetopt autocd +unsetopt beep + +# i dont even know what this does lmao +bindkey -v + +# c++ compiler +export CXX=clang++; + +# aliases for common utilities +alias v=nvim; +alias s=sudo; +alias nf=neofetch; +alias ssu="sudo su"; +alias m="make"; +alias gaa="git add -A"; +alias gc="git commit -S -a"; +alias gcm="git commit -S -a -m"; +alias cls="clear" + +# line +PS1=$'\u256d\u2500 %F{cyan}%n@%m%F{white} | %F{red}%/%f > \n\u2570%(!.#.$) '; +PS2=$'%{\x1b[A\u2502 \x1b[B\x1b[G%0G%}\u2570%(!.#.$) ';